
Nightbook - 9781849383394

Un articolo cartoleria di Chester Music, 2010

Italian-born Ludovico Einaudi's piano music has struck a chord with audiences across the world, and his distinctive meditative style has confirmed his place in the music industry. His albums have soared high in the classical charts and his recitals have been sell-outs. This is Ludovico Einaudi's new project, Nightbook, a musical meditation on the transition between light and darkness, the known and the unknown. Einaudi describes the project as "A night-time landscape. A garden faintly visible under the dull glow of the night sky. A few stars dotting the darkness above, shadows of the trees all around. Light shining from a window behind me. What I can see is familiar, but it seems alien at the same time. It's like a dream - anything may happen."

Dettagli del prodotto

Dello stesso produttore: Chester Music
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