
Take me with you - 9791220077255

Un articolo cartoleria di Isotta Erica (Aut), 2020

Take me with you "is the travel diary of a 22-year-old girl, Erica, who begins to flee through Europe in order not to face the problems, so as not to face a reality -that of the Milanese province- with which she has identified for a long time . In his travels he meets dozens and dozens of people and, although he is always "on the road" as Kerouac would say, in reality he is beginning a more complex, greater, less concrete path, that of self-acceptance and awareness of the own independence. For a long time, in fact, the protagonist has locked herself in meaningless relationships, one after another, so as not to confront herself. For the first time, she stops judging another person and she begins to look at herself with critical eyes. These men are almost shadows throughout the novel, ambiguous characters taken from some Ionesco or Beckett of our time. But Andrea is not like that. And Erica knows it well. She learns that love never wins, but that it teaches you a lot and, if you let it, it changes your life.

Dettagli del prodotto

Dello stesso produttore: Isotta Erica (Aut)
Portami con te articolo cartoleria di Isotta Erica
Portami con te
Isotta Erica 
edizioni Isotta Erica (Aut)
€ 15.00
25%. Una donna su quattro articolo cartoleria di Isotta Erica
25%. Una donna su quattro
Isotta Erica 
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€ 15.99
Quando torni articolo cartoleria di Isotta Erica
Quando torni
Isotta Erica 
edizioni Isotta Erica (Aut)
€ 9.00
Llévame contigo articolo cartoleria di Isotta Erica
Llévame contigo
Isotta Erica 
edizioni Isotta Erica (Aut)
€ 12.99
Take me with you articolo cartoleria di Isotta Erica
Take me with you
Isotta Erica 
edizioni Isotta Erica (Aut)
€ 14.50
Emmène moi avec toi articolo cartoleria di Isotta Erica
Emmène moi avec toi
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